About This Page

Nov 7, 2008
I am not a medical doctor. Do not take any information on this web site or any site I am affiliated with as medical information to use instead of seeing a doctor. If you are ill please contact a medical professional. Use caution when self prescribing herbs to anyone with medical conditions and those currently taking any type of medicine. If you have any questions please at least ask your local pharmacist if there is any known drug interactions between the drugs and herbs.

I love folk lore. I do not claim that all the information on this page is true. I collect information that has been passed on through generations and prevent that information from being lost in time. View this blog as an attempt of keeping a record of family traditions.

I am not responsible for any damages of self or property from anyone following anything I put on this page. You are following recipes at your own risk. When dealing with open flames, oils, waxes, and dried materials use safety precautions and have a way of dousing fires nearby. Use protective gear such as gloves and eye protection when using things like lye.

Take everything with a grain of salt. If something doesn't seem right then don't do it. Stay safe.


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